Flat abs and a six pack really look great, but they make a solid fitness achievement only by hard and constant workout. Not everybody manages to get a six pack even with flat abs. Abdomen flatness and the six pack are not the same thing. When you get a flat abdomen, there is only muscle, no fat deposit left. Therefore, the toning of the muscles would come second after weight loss in terms of abdomen flatness. In themselves, ab exercises will not burn calories, but just increase the local tissue strength.
Spot reduction is not possible because the body loses fat evenly, so that the entire system gets in shape. If sit ups and crunches put you in a good shape, that is great, but the training meant to get you flat abs should also include some cardio exercises, aerobics and a good diet. Nutrition supports fitness efforts best by providing the nutrients necessary to the effort and even offering the solutions for an acceleration of the metabolic rate. Flat abs therefore come with a steady exercise routine and a balanced diet.
The lifestyle and the genetic predisposition influence the effort you need to make in order to get flat abs. Weight loss and weight gain both bear the burden of the genes, and some things escape personal control. Even when you lose weight, there are chances that there will still be some fat remaining on your belly. This does not mean that flat abs are impossible to achieve for someone under the circumstances, it is just that it takes more time, lots of patience and dedication before results are achieved. Moreover, you may have to work hard to stay fit once you get in a very good shape.
If getting flat abs does not depend on abdominal exercises alone, you may wonder whether there is any point in doing them anymore. Well, even if they are partly right, the health benefits remain in terms of spine treatment and the correctness of posture. Instead of the conventional crunches and sit ups, you may try something different, such as a complex workout routine that work more muscles at a time. Some very dynamic moves can be used to strengthen the core muscles and help you get flat abs in a more efficient way.
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